Saturday, June 30, 2018

Half-Time: Publications from January to June 2018

The first half of 2018 is over. This seems a good time to look back at those first six months and take stock.

The day job kept me very busy, but still I had some things see the light of publication. In March there was Pomegranates, a poem near and dear to my heart. It was picked up by Megan Arkenberg for Mirror Dance, which is a place full of wonders. Let me give you a few lines from Pomegranates here:

"He has darkness in him, he smells
like butterflies pinned under glass."
"You will see light like you never saw it before;
there will be shadows
and they will be like living things,
like breathing souls cut from brittle glass"

The House Beneath, another poem, also came out in March. It appeared in Not One of Use #59. I'll share a little morsel from that with you:

"My house has seven doors.

I would invite you in.

But there are seven doors here

through which you must pass."

This month, there's a taste of the divine in The New Prometheus which appeared at Eternal Haunted Summer:

"Some mornings when I wake up I think that I might devour the sky, one piece of azure at a time"

 Polu Texni picked up my poem Owl Women. It also appeared in June:

"the owl women need no fear, no darkness
is the shade of dark
that could haunt an owl woman;"

Speaking of Polu Texni, my poem The Witch Woman appeared there last year and received a Rhysling nomination, which means it was reprinted in this year's Rhysling anthology, so I'll count it as publication.

ETA: Well, this just went live, so I'll have to add it. Mirror Dance picked up another one of my poems. This Shift contains some shape-changing. Here's an excerpt:

"there is no more magic in a cast off skin
just like there is no more magic left in last night's dreams."

For the first half of 2018, I can count one published short story, N is for..., which appeared in the Alphabet Series: E is for Evil. This anthology series is edited by Rhonda Parrish, and I am quite happy to have a story in A through D and another one forthcoming in F is for Fairy. Here is a snipped from N is for...:

"I read a lot. I read oh so much. I am a librarian. No, that's a lie, I work in my uncle's book shop. Wrong again, he never had a book shop, and I never had an uncle, just strange aunts. But I do work in a coffee shop. It's close enough. For a long time I thought that I was falling in love with him and he with me and that things from there on out would be perfect."
Fins out what N is for, and read the whole story.

I'm looking forward two the second half! ;)
